this morning when i was on the way to take my car in campus parking slot.. i met with our very funny and humorous lecturer, Mr. J. he showed me his very charming smile with his very healthy rows of teeth when we saw each other... and followed by some greetings.
Mr. J: Hi, how you doing?
the idiot, me: (waving my sch fee receipt) paid school fee.
Mr. J: (a very VERY weird emotion) oh oH~
the idiot, me: ...
Chinese used to describe such condition as "答非所问". i can feel that he was =.='''' when hearing my reply. but think the other way round, i would be always impressed in his mind because of the very unique answer....
i want fruits!!! flood me with FRUITS!!!
9 years ago
I know this feeling...especially someone speaking english to me!! I'll become 答非所问语无伦次!!although at the moment u answering the question u know the answer u speaking out is wrong..then they will show their weird face..hahaha!
yea!! exactly~!! damn embarrassing!!
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