was deeply impressed by this product after using twice. this is seriously just way too nice for a lazy girl as me. alright, this product was firstly introduced by my cousin when i attended cousin's wedding some day on June. and i finally bought this a week ago during a day trip to brunei with honey bee and his family. guess i should share my experience on this product with my lovely frens because it's just nice! nice! NICE!
what actually is this? well, it's a kind of wet tissue with function of removing make up. tadaaAaaa.... normally i have to use AT LEAST 3 cottons to wipe off the make up on my face using cleansing milk. and most of the time, i need to wash my face with cleansing foam and then re-remove my make up once again to ensure that those make up are no longer sticking on my face!! hey, it's not only time consuming, wasting money, and actually a very tedious routine! most importantly, the time i usually remove my make up is the moment that i'm kinda sleepy. but with this cleansing wipe, hey hey, i can just finish everything within 1 min. and it's clean, clean, and CLEAN! it's not oily, but give a fresh feeling!
what a great invention to girls!! should try this if you never try before!! :)
alright, it's time to hit the bed!! another brand new hectic and challenging week is coming! god bless me to stay until the last week of the sem! =)
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