i think probably three of us are insane. we went out together during this peak season and most importantly, our assignments are still not complete yet. 2 big projects are going to due on coming Friday but in fact we have to make sure everything is done by Thurs. while the god damn quiz of ChE 302 is just around the corner. there is still lotsa lecture notes to memorize and also tutorials to revise. and the progress for control project was so deadly today... and i don't know why am i still blogging here instead of reading those not-understandable lecture notes.
yet, this was the very 1st time ever we went Starbuck to "study"... this is very common to many Uni students but this is so-called luxury for me. one night in Starbuck = lunch 7 times in Curtin's cafeteria.
and girls' outing will never ever lack of cam-whoring section... :)))
*herng was really cute here and both of us were so NOOB*
*while the security guard was observing us curiously*
*life's still good if you are able to fool around during hard time*
and it's time to burn the midnight oil!life is definitely hard.
hahaha...those photos really funny...
u still can burn midnit oil...
me so sleepy d... :(
anytime anywhere i can fall asleep!!
btw, control thing tomorrow need settle~ :(
"life's still good if you are able to fool around during hard time" <<< 200% agree!!!
Sometimes 忙里偷闲 is good...eheh
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